import { getParent } from '../../utils/common';
import treeToArray from './fromTree';
* 在 Tree 中获取指定子 ID 的祖级数据
* @alias array_findParent
* @category array
* @param {Array} tree - 原始数据 - Tree
* @param {string|number} sonId - 子节点 ID
* @param {Object} [options={}] - 配置数据
* @param {string} [options.idField='id'] - ID 字段名称
* @param {string} [options.pidField='pid'] - 父节点 ID 字段名称
* @param {string} [options.childrenField='children'] - 子节点字段名称
* @returns {Array} - 包含指定子节点及其所有祖先节点的数据数组
* @author xkloveme <>
* @example
* const tree = [
* { id: 1, pid: 0, children: [
* { id: 2, pid: 1, children: [
* { id: 3, pid: 2 }
* ] }
* ] }
* ];
* console.log(array_findParent(tree, 3)); // 输出 [{ id: 3, pid: 2 }, { id: 2, pid: 1 }, { id: 1, pid: 0 }]
export default function array_findParent(tree, sonId, options = {}) {
// 参数验证
if (!Array.isArray(tree)) {
throw new TypeError('The first argument must be an array.');
if (typeof sonId !== 'string' && typeof sonId !== 'number') {
throw new TypeError('The second argument must be a string or a number.');
// 默认配置
const config = {
idField: 'id',
pidField: 'pid',
childrenField: 'children',
const { idField, pidField } = config;
const arr = treeToArray(tree, config);
const items = [];
// 查找子节点
const tmp = arr.find((item) => item[idField] === sonId);
if (tmp) {
getParent(arr, tmp[pidField], items, config);
return items;